img_4683‘To blog or not to blog, that is the question.’

Over the last year, I have spoken with quite a few incredibly talented folks with hopes and dreams for making a life or a living. Without exception, I came away wishing they had a blog. Why?

My #1 reason has always been, when I find an artist, photographer, author, gardener or an amazing cook or teacher, even a seller, I want to know more about them. A blog offers me the chance to get to know you. I tend to head right to their About page. A business which includes a blog, seems more personal, trustworthy; especially if that business includes a Mission Statement. I’d like to know or see some of the folks who work there too.

2. Then, I scan a few of your posts. All businesses large or small seem more trustworthy, more solid, more stable and committed, if there is a blog. My favorite sites show Behind the Scenes. Showing your reader what you do, engages them, tells your story, makes anything more interesting and personalized. For instance, if you’re a jewelry maker, telling me the piece you made was inspired by the hollyhocks that grow outside your studio, brings me into your thinking and surroundings.

img_4682An artist who tells me what inspired a painting and a bit of your process gives me a personal experience.

A realtor who shows me unique homes, beautiful interiors or simple plans being developed – creates intrigue, increases interest. These things makes me want to linger longer on your site.img_4580


3. Your blog is a Virtual Brick and Mortar shop– a place where folks can enter anytime, look around at their leisure, get a feel for the place and owner. A blog gives folks reasons to be there, get to know you, trust you, your services and your products. And! Trust you enough to sign up with their email- giving you a reliable and inexpensive way to stay in touch.

Invite me into your garden, your seed and plant nursery. Let me see your bakery, your design aesthetic, or hear your music.

Now, you know I’ve got far more reasons, yet let me leave you with this- pandemic or not, virtually telling your story, showing your process and conducting business is all about creating a personalized way to engage others. I must say- since talking with all of those folks? The ones who have blogs or started blogs (especially in short form) have far outpaced those who haven’t. So, the answer to the question- To blog or not to blog…is a resounding ‘Yes!’ We will stay in touch and revisit this subject again! Hope y’all are staying safe, well and going strong.

Love y’all, Camellia

Message from Brenda: Since this post was written,  a dear friend, one of the most unique people I’ve ever known, has gone on and been received on the other side. I will miss her terribly. She didn’t have a business. Still. I wish she had shared her stories, which are many, I wish she had written her perspective on things, told her family history and the truly funny stories only she knew how to tell and make us all ‘laugh our sides off’. No doubt she has left behind stories and lessons that have never been told. Just one more reason, for any of you out there who need another reason to blog- this is it. Tell your story.

11 thoughts on “To Blog or not to Blog…

  1. Dear Camellia it was very nice to read this post and discover what interests you the most when you check a blog 🙂 I’m blogging for a few years ago and I feel I have evolved but still there are so many things I want to improve and start… Many times I feel like my blog became bigger than me lol and it’s not easy to take care of everything… Anyway, as long as I keep having fun with it, that’s the most important 🙂 feel free to discover my blog at All the best, PedroL

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    1. Thank you Pedrol, of interest to you- microblogging is becoming more and more popular. Writing less tends to gain you more in time, and can be shared across all media. I will be happy to discover you blog. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.


  2. Camellia, this is a wonderful list of why we should blog. Nice job! What about us bloggers who aren’t trying to sell anything but ourselves? Are you selling Sweet Home, Alabama? Stay safe, dahlin’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The answer is in the message from me at the end! Tell your story! Writing content is a valuable skill! Thank you, and yes, I will always promote my home state..I’ve just been very concerned during this pandemic for small businesses, artists and creatives who are trying to adapt to our new normal 💝

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