No matter what you sell, you need Images to use in your Marketing. Just as we ‘eat with our eyes’ first, we also are drawn in and ‘buy with our eyes’ as well. To be unforgettable, the Props you use taking your own photography or the Images you find, it’s generally best to use Natural light and surroundings, a bit of Nostalgia, which you’ll learn to arrange in a New and Different way.

Your Images actually begin to tell the Story before you even write a word. For instance, I think Eggs are so photogenic. For the Coach, an image of Eggs starts the story with- Hope, Possibilities or Potential. For the gardener, a twining Vine might signal Growth, Reaching for Light or Support.

So! Let’s talk about Product Shots!

Product shots are different for websites, e-commerce, Etsy shops and more! Are Product Shots boring? They don’t have to be, just remember: The whole purpose of product shots is to show off your products! The photos draw folks in and the body of the description can be short. A few things never change:

  • Product Shots should always align with your Brand. Check out brands you love and are similar to yours for reference.
  • Product Shots should have simple backgrounds- white, gray and black are typical, depending on the colors of your products.
  • Always use Simple Props that convey the use, season or to add color, even nostalgia.
  • The lighting you use for Product shots is generally brighter. *there is lots of information out there about how to do this.
  • Try to use a simple but interesting arrangement for your Product Shots.
  • What you add matters. Is the photograph Relevant? Does it Show off the to its Best Advantage?
  • inspiration.

Pro Tips: Product Shots are and should be different. That doesn’t have to be boring or just the product on a piece of foam core board. The background needs to be simple enough not to overwhelm the product. It’s Okay to do different Angles. Don’t just use flatlay photography for product shots. And remember this: It’s Not Okay for your product to look wrinkled or messy, or just flat without a bit of sprucing up. If the product needs a bit of sprucing up? Think about adding Color- a few flowers or natural materials usually work. Just make sure whatever you do gives clues, is on brand and is relevant to the product. Keep your website and shopping sites easy to navigate, lots of white space, easy to read description and Pricing. Product shots really do sell your products! It’s a big part of Visual Marketing! And don’t forget: Product Shots might not always ‘work’ on your social media sites, so take multiple types of photos, some for social media and some more for product shots! All the best!

*PS If you are already going through my course- an expanded version of Product Shots has been added to the course!

Love y’all, Brenda

‘Creator – ‘Be Unforgettable’ online marketing course

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