Curb Appeal. Spring seems the perfect time to think about it. Realtors agree that Curb Appeal is the great Attitude Adjuster.  3 Seconds is all it takes to form an opinion or create an impression. It’s interesting that the same 3 Second Rule applies to Social Media, Blogs or Websites. Visual Impressions are everything. Those Pink Blossoms and the Black Door would draw me in. I worked for a beautiful Garden Shop, Most of workdays I was responsible for getting the shop open- with the most important job being- a well swept, clean entrance with a focus on the door. Clean Windows, our most beautiful plants, trimmed and watered and the sign put outside.

Did you know that a clear Landing Page, like an Open Gate invites visitors to look around your site? There needs to be a balance between the Shelter and Open Spaces. The places where visitors gather and the secure shelter where the living or business is done.  A clean welcome entrance, made attractive with green living things adds to the experience whether it’s upscale or an humble place.

Inspiration is also an essential element to- well, almost anything. Approachable, warm, inviting. Uncluttered. Now that’s a word for you- Uncluttered, is your site loaded with pop up sign up boxes that detract from what your message is? Are there ads about a ‘fatty liver’ right in between your glorious recipe, scrumptious floral designs, gorgeous artwork? Is anyone but me bothered by these things?

I’m not looking for perfect, just extra good.. Give me one fabulous, well maintained feature, like that Window Box. Give me a measure of simplicity. Even if the site has more formal structures- well kept, clean swept means even more.

Ahh yes, Curb Appeal. For homes, businesses, websites and social media: There’s no doubt, Curb Appeal = Attitude Adjustment. Visitors will be more interested, inspired even excited to enter your site wherever you are!

Welcome Spring! It’s a great time to get out and look around… I’m thankful and glad you stopped by and stayed awhile.

Love y’all, Brenda

A big P.S.

The April Planning Guide is ready- it’s free and April sure looks like fun! All you have to do is send me an email at-

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